jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

¡Perros en las calles!

The dogs are everywhere. Here's a picture:
They lie around all over the streets and I even saw one inside the mall today because the doors are always open.
They usually look well fed and very cute.  They are also obedient and enjoy the company of humans.  This is because, according to what I've heard, most of them used to be pets.  When the owner got sick of them, they did something wrong, or they simply got too old, the owner let them go in the street.  It is a strangely common thing here that they are trying to do something about, but have thus far been unsuccessful.  The dogs will follow you around all day (like this little guy bellow), even if you don't feed them.

So, definitely do not feed the dogs!  You can tell they are well fed, so they are finding it somewhere else.  Normally they are fine, but every once in a while a dog fight breaks out near me and it freaks me out.

This video that a girl in my group made basically sums up the dog situation:

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