jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012


Complex bingo configurations

Last week I went to a Bingo fundraiser with my host mom and host sister.  My host mom's office was putting it on, so the employees were all pitching in to make it run smoothly.  My mom had a special part - she got to sing with a small group while dancers danced the Cueca (Chile's traditional dance)!  It was really cool to see her sing and to experience Chilean culture in personal way.  The Bingo was also really fun.  I was at a table with Maky, her friend from University, and some of their family.  There were 5 rounds of Bingo, each with three winners: one for winner a row, one for winner a letter, and one for winning blackout.  I only got 2 cards free, but ended up buying all 5 because it was fun and it went to a good charity.
The charity was called Dalegría, a school for children with disabilities.  At the beginning, some kids from the school danced a Broadway dance to New York, New York by Frank Sinatra, which was very cute.  Later, after a couple rounds of Bingo, we watched a video about the school.  I go to charity events a lot with my family in the US, and it was really cool to experience such a similar event in Chile.
Although I did not win any of the prizes (I was one number away from a blackout, which would have won the trip to Buenos Aires!!), my table won several.  Between rounds, they tried to pump people up by having the announcer go around and play music.  Our table did a congo line around the table and one girl won a Lean Shake mix.  It was all in English so they kept asking me to explain what it is (even though most of them know some English).  Maky's friend won a camera and her aunt won the moped!  It was a fun night overall and I do not regret the large amount I spent there.

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