miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

My first completo (and maybe last)!

Completos are the holy grail of fast food in Chile.  The Italiano variety consists of a very large hot dog, tomatos, palta (avocado), and a whole bunch of mayo.  They are messy and large.  They do not taste terrible, but it is a general consensus that they use too much topping.  Today was a monumental moment in my Chile trip: I tried my first completo.  My friends and I agreed that we will never again visit the place we ate ours because they food was so bad.  The fries were terrible; how do you mess up fries?  It is a required experience for everyone who comes to Chile and it is cheap.  Although mine was okay, I am not sorry to say that I will not be buying too many more during my time here.

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