jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Jardines Botanicos

On Saturday, we did not have anything to do so a few of us decided to check out the Botanical Gardens.  They are more inland and South from me so we all took a micro.  Had a little mishap on the micro - more like a Gringo moment - when we had no idea when we were getting off and got off at the wrong place.  It turns out the bus turns around right after that point and goes directly to the gardens so we did the walk of shame as he pulled over and we all filed back onto the bus.  Live and learn!
When we got there, we didn't actually do much.  We meandered around and saw the asado area where many groups of Chilean family and friends were barbecuing.  I will definitely be putting together a group to go barbecue there sometime in the future!  Then we went looking for trails and climb a little up this hill, but it was too steep and we weren't really prepared for hiking.  After that we just sort of went to a little pond and grassy area near the entrance, played a little frisbee, and laid around.
As we were walking out, not only did we see baby ginger triplets and a little kid zone where creepy cartoon characters were dancing around with balloons, but also the actual map of the park.  Turns out we only explored a tiny corner of it.  Whoops!  That just means we have to go back!  Next time I hope to do canopy (ziplining).
Here's the website: http://www.jardin-botanico.cl/
On the way home, we struggled once again.  We walked across a bridge to wait at a bus stop.  After waiting about 20 minutes, we asked a man nearby if a bus was coming.  He said he thought we had to walk back across the bridge so we began to follow him.  Midway across the bridge there comes a micro steaming through.  We started shouting and waving, but the driver chose to ignore us a barreled past.  That really pissed me off, but I don't think he stopped at the bus stop either.  So then we followed a bunch of other people who were waiting to the nearest metro station... which was 20 more minutes away!  After buying a metro card and waiting a while, we finally got on the train and made it home safe and sound.  Such a struggle, but it was something to do and ended up being really fun.

The sunset was painting pretty colors in the sky.
Chilling in mi casa with Caitlin, Kelsey, and Nicole (Maddy is taking the picture).

After all of that walking, a bunch of us girls were just ready to chill and did not feel like going out.  So I invited some friends over to my house to watch and movie.  We had hot chocolate and some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies that I made and did not end up watching the movie because we talked for hours.  So fun!

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