jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012


Today at 14:23 pm I felt my first tremor!  It was so exciting!  First the walls started to shake slightly, then the ground, eventually the whole building was moving!  I was at my friend Nicole's house, and she looked out the window and saw that the other building was moving!  It was the weirdest experience of my life.  I shouted "To the door!" because that is the sturdiest and safest part of the building.  According to this website, http://www.onemi.cl/tipo-riesgo/sismo.html, it was a 5 on the seismic scale.  This is weird, but it was actually really fun!  Unless someone was injured or something bad happened, but I have not heard of that yet.

Grandpa, pass the milk.  EARTHQUAAAAKE!

Until next time,

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