lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

First day of School!

I almost began to write this post in Spanish jaja.  Today was our first day at the university and it was very interesting.  I had to get up with the sun, just before 7 am, so that I could shower, meet up with the Dan and Allison, and walk to the bus stop about 10 blocks.  We are still all dumb gringos, wandering around, searching for the bus, and speaking our loud English.  We will learn soon, I hope.  I had my first classes today: History of Chile: Independence and Social Conflict in Latin America.  The former is a mix of Chilean and international students, so many are from the US.  The latter is a bunch of people from our group, three German guys, and a Finnish girl.  Many of us in the class were a little overwhelmed with the work load, the profesor's rapid Spanish, and the intimidating Germans, who seemed to know everything even the profesor's obscure references to authors.  Some of them might drop the class, but I think I am going to stick with it.

First day of class with Maddy :)

I had several hours between those classes, so I just hung out with people, chatted, met new people, and spent some time in the library on facebook and reading the newspaper.  I think I was sitting in the warmest place in Viña.  With the sun and a big glass window, I had to take off my coat and my face was all red after a couple hours.  It's kind of strange to have so much free time and not know what to do.  That's another thing I hope will change soon.

Hanging out in the courtyard with Danelle, Mike, and Laura (from Michigan).

I got the bus back with a few people, but being dumb gringos, we missed out stop and ended up having to walk a ways.  As I was going about 10 more blocks alone, I decided to take a micro to avoid creepers.  That whole process was a little nerve wracking, but hey, I got back ok and the only way to learn is to make mistakes, right?  Now, I am dead tired, but am going with Allison and Dan to hang out with Kelsey in a little bit.

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